Other Surface Treatments

“Surface Treatment”, which represents the last leg of the KALKANCI production line, includes vibration, washing, sandblasting and polishing steps. These steps allow the product to be rid of burrs, oils, shine and be made ready for coating or painting, if this is required. After vibration, washing, sandblasting and polishing, products attain greater resistance to the environmental factors and corrosion. In addition, the application of these surface treatments affects the appearance and performance of the parts.

At the same time as our team works with you to assess your needs by identifying the most effective surface treatment applications from a wide range of options, specific features such as separation line, pusher and runner entry will also be taken into account early in the design phase.

Vibratory Surface Finishing Process

Vibration is applied at the end of the production process in industry and has many different applications. The vibratory surface finishing takes the form of vibration of different chemical liquids and stones inside of a boiler, to clean burrs, roughness, dirt, rust and stains on the surface of the product. In addition, vibration is applied to shine the surface of the product. The purposes to which applying the vibratory process are suited can be listed as follows.

  • Deburring,
  • Rust Removal,
  • Abrasive finishing,
  • Descaling
  • Polishing
  • Shearing corners.

Abrasive materials used in the vibration process are categorised as either as ceramic abrasives or plastic abrasives. The task of abrasives in this process is to ensure the smoothness of the surface through mechanical effects. Chemical liquids used in the vibration process are either liquids or in powder form. The task of the chemicals in the vibration process is to reduce friction effects, in other words, to reduce wear through lubrication, to provide protection to the products and to remove different kinds of dirt from the surface that is being cleaned.

Washing Process

The washing process which is part of the polishing and protection of metal surfaces is extremely important for both the protection and the longevity of the product. During the production process, there are many chemicals that remain on the product, and these chemicals need to be cleaned off. The materials used in the washing and rinsing process and the time taken to apply these are the most important and important point of the washing process.

Polishing Process (Polisage)

Polisage” or polishing is the process of surface polishing with abrasive stone, abrasive paste or liquids. Polishing is the minimum amount of removal of the material of the polished surface. The goal is to smoothen the surface and provide brightness. To do this, the polishing grains are pressed onto the surface to be polished with a certain pressure. These brightening grains are usually within the paste, polish, etc. being used. In fact, the process corresponds to grinding, but as little material as possible should be removed from the surface in polishing. The thickness of the polished material is reduced by a very small amount.

Shot Blasting

Shot Blasting is the process of working a metal’s surface to improve its material properties, usually by mechanical means, such as blasting with shot (shot peening) in order to eliminate dirt, oil, paint, burrs, rush and other impurities to prolong the life of the product. After shot blasting, which is the process of spraying special production micro-level sand grains (called grit) the products are coated with protective paints and materials.

Choosing the right grain size according to the characteristics of the product in which metal-based peening will be performed as an abrasive is extremely important for the right work and workmanship. There are several different ways of shot blasting. Different shot blastingmethods are applied according to the shape, size and properties of the product to be exposed to this process. KALKANCI uses the following shot blasting methods.

  • Hook Type shot blasting
  • Drum Blast shot blasting
  • In this process, a maximum value range of 60 Rz is available.

Surface cleaning provided by shot blastingoperations is evaluated according to ISO 8501-1:1998 and TSE EN ISO 8501-1 standard and the cleaning values are classified as follows;

  • Sa 1 < 80% lightly cleaned
  • Sa 2 80% well cleaned
  • Sa 2.5 96% very well cleaned
  • Sa 3 99% fully cleaned

KALKANCI Surface Treatment

The Materials Surface Treatment process, which is crucial for the protection of the product and to optimise it prior to processing, also increases the durability of the product as well as extending its useful life. This, in turn, offers economic advantages in the long term. Here at KALKANCI we attach great importance to surface treatment processes and ensure our product quality is under control at every stage.